Friday, November 27, 2009

What I Know For Sure

Recently, Oprah asked her readers what they know for sure.  It made me think a lot.  Here is one of many answers...

What I know for sure is that somewhere, buried deep inside myself, is an unrelenting center of peace.  This peace makes itself apparent from time to time when chaos swirls in and around my life, and I am not moved.  These are rare occasions, occasions I always promise myself that I will expand upon so that my constant state, my constant way of being will be in peace.  Yet part of the process of being human involves pressing down upon ones theories to see if they really hold out.  I challenge my knowledge of this peace to see if it can bend, stretch, or twirl.  I wonder if it can make me feel better within the environment of a new set of variables designed to make me fail, or make me miserable.

What I know for sure is that this peace, buried at my core, is something I can choose.  It's always there, even when I am challenging its existence.  In addition, I must choose it for it to actually work.  I think of other states of being I admire, like loving and trusting, and find it interesting that these can also be verbs.  I think that peace should be a verb so that we can remember to use it.  Something like, I woke up and decided to peace the illness I have -or- She peaced that co-worker who was undermining her work.

What I know for sure is that peace is like a muscle that needs strength training.  In order for it to increase in power, one must use it repeatedly.  As I get older, life's problems seem to be getting larger.  However, my ability to meet these forces head on also seems to have grown.  How and when this development occurs, I have no clue.  What's more important is that I don't have to know in order for it to work.  It's one less thing for me to have to process in my day.  What a wonderful gift!  If I can tap into this resource not only do I make it through the current storm, but also I am better buttressed for the next.  This fact alone is enough to give me a peaceful pause.

"A peace that passeth understanding."  Hmm.  I like that.